Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Offline Radio Dec16 2015

Good Morning 

What is really time?  Think about it. Try to define it, it is not easy...
- Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once,
-  Time is created by the relationships of the changes that happen in the Universe, and nothing else.
- Or is time something that changes from place to place and person to person?
The older we get, the faster the currents of time seem to carry us along.
Our relationship to time changes as we age.

Studies show that the passage of time seems to increase by the square root of your age.

if at 10 years old, it's 1 : 1 , 
when you're 20, it's 1 : 1 .4.  (SQRT(20/10))
And by the time you're 60, it's 1 :2.44, (SQRT(60/10)) about 2.44 times faster.

We all experience time at one second per second, 1 but it doesn't feel that way.

Fall Apart Today - Schuyler Fisk

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