Thursday, July 19, 2007

Faster Than a Magnum Bullet

Most airspeed indicators are calibrated in knots or miles per hour. Airplanes that fly at the speed of sound also are equipped with device which measures airplane's speed in relationship to the speed of sound, or Mach. The Machmeter indicates Mach 1.0 when airplanes is traveling at the speed of sound. Below the speed of sound, indication is given as decimal fraction. For example, flight at %65 of the speed of sound is displayed as Mach 0.65. In comparison, the velocity of a 357 Magnum bullet is approximately 1400 feet per second. This translates to Mach 1.67. X15A-2 is the fastest airplane in the world. It is rocket powered research airplane and top speed is 6.72 Mach. X15A is appr. 5 times faster than Magnum bullet.

Airport taxiway edge lights are identified at night by
a- white
b- blue
c- red

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